Why us?

Professional Teachers
At YES Mandarin, we only teach Mandarin and we do it well! We are proud to offer classes taught by qualified native Chinese speakers who are extensively trained in our custom method, also with BA. MA. PHD. degree in education.
Learning Progress
Benefit from our well designed learning programs or customized content for your needs, YES teachers can guarantee to achieve your learning goals.
Flexible Scheduling
Book your teacher’s time according to your schedule, put your course on hold while on holiday, add more lessons to accelerate your progress, all your call.
How Do We Teach?
We believe that language should be taught and practised through using and speaking the language. So be prepared to do a LOT of speaking in your lessons. Most of the materials we use are videos, songs, images, short articles, or materials are specifically designed for you. The majority of materials are created by our rich experienced teachers and all the lessons are fully tailored towards you, your level, and your needs.
Total Language Fluency
Language is for communication, we want our students to be confident and ready to engage in a Mandarin conversation, that’s why our training focus is to engage students to actively participant in speaking.
From Input to Output
We focus on active learning, task-based activities from speaking practise in class to presentation tasks or group project, you will be able to internalise what you learnt to perform in theses tasks, then in real life.
Contextual Immersion
We teach you language relevant to life outside of classroom by you interacting with tutors, engaging with classmates to talk, discuss even debate on interesting topics, and real contexts in our lives.